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Salvador Dali: Once heroe, always hero?

Publié le 8 Septembre 2013

Salvador Dali: Once heroe, always hero?

Salavador Dali is a very famous painter.

He was born in Spain in 1904. he wasn't extremely doused to study because he prefered painting .

He created the surrealist movement.

Dali is one of the most original pinter in his generation .He was very proud of himself and self-confident that why: he never hesitated to paint choquing things.

He loved painting on subjects like sexuality, religion, dreams... his wife Gala is also often represented on his painting.

Dali ha never appreciated classical painting he kept on criticize.

Dali is a heroe because he has very gifted and what he has done is mervellous and unique but on the other way, i can't say he 's a heroe because he 's perverted (perhaps because he has so much talent but above all because he has always been crazy and full of himself..

this is an exemple of Dali's painting.

the title is : the persistence of memory.

In this picture, he shows us his cynisme and his vision of time and in the center of the picture: his own portrait in the shape of the rock.

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